Entries by Zsofia Gere

BustArt – Pop-Graffiti Between Past and Future

Teufelsberg in Berlin has long been a magnet for street artists from around the world. In this creative setting, BustArt, a leading figure in graffiti-pop, has left behind two remarkable works of art. His pieces from 2018 and 2023 not only showcase his technical finesse but also his distinctive ability to detach iconic characters from […]

Devita – Women in Focus

In March 2024, the Power of Female Art Festival transformed Teufelsberg into a vibrant canvas for bold artistic statements. One of the standout artists this year was Devita (Devata Pätsch), whose striking mural captivates visitors. Colour, Expression, Emotion The mural Devita created for the festival at Teufelsberg immediately commands attention with its intense expression and […]

Sr. Papá Chango – Fantasy Meets Reality

Since 2019, a very special piece by Mexican artist Sr. Papá Chango has adorned the first floor of the gallery at Teufelsberg. With his colorful, almost childlike aesthetic, the artist creates a scene that is both touching and thought-provoking. His work blends fantasy with everyday life, delivering a clear message of humanity, openness, and global […]

Madcins – Psychedelic Street Art Meets Berlin’s Underground

High above the rooftop terrace of Teufelsberg, a new, electrifying artwork has been shining since May 2024: the mural by Madcins, created during the Live Street Art Week 2024. With vibrant colours, hypnotic eyes, and wide grins, it immediately grabs attention. But behind this playful façade lies something much deeper—an intense exploration of contrasts, emotions, […]

Traces of Time Photography Competition – The Winners (Places 6–15)

Teufelsberg is not just a place of history—it is a source of inspiration for artists and photographers alike. With its unique combination of striking architecture, urban art, and sweeping views over Berlin, it attracts thousands of visitors each year. In our photography competition, Traces of Time, numerous participants captured Teufelsberg from fascinating and often unexpected […]

Land of Julia – A Brazilian Tribute at Teufelsberg

During the Power of Female Art festival in March 2024, the Jambalya Tower at Teufelsberg received a vibrant new look. Clearly visible from our bar, a colourful mural by Júlia Mota Albuquerque, better known as Land of Júlia, now adorns the striking structure. Her work merges Brazilian art history with her own illustrative style, creating […]

Amanda Arrou-tea – The Power of Femininity in Colour and Water

Artist Amanda Arrou-tea, better known as Mandi Oh, was born in San Sebastián, in the Basque Country of Spain. Her art is deeply rooted in the connection between femininity, water, and the search for identity. Two of her stunning murals can be found at Teufelsberg in Berlin: Summer Solstice (2020) and Born Again (2024), the […]

Letter N – DYR – Freedom and Pop Art in an Urban Context

Teufelsberg, a symbol of Berlin’s cultural diversity, serves as a unique canvas for artists to express their messages in remarkable ways. One such artist is Damian Yves Rohde, better known as DYR, whose contribution to the #FreiheitBerlin installation reflects his distinct style and creative vision. “Glitch Bitch”: A Statement on Freedom and Diversity The letter […]

Karskione – When Art, History, and Music Unite

At Teufelsberg in Berlin, art and history blend seamlessly to create a one-of-a-kind space where creativity knows no bounds. In May 2024, during the Live Street Art Week, Dutch artist Karski Roy Valk, known as Karskione, created a stunning mural that connects history, music, and art in a deeply impactful way. A Tribute to History […]

Letter I – Caro Pepe – Creativity that Moves and Inspires

At Teufelsberg, history meets contemporary art—a place where creative visions come to life and visitors leave inspired. One artist who has left a lasting impression here is Caro Pepe. Originally from Argentina and living in Berlin since 2012, Caro Pepe has created two remarkable works: the letter “I” for the #FreiheitBerlin installation and the mural […]